Music by Hitoshi: https://soundcloud.com/gozu_mezu/atama
This project gave me so much energy to put into my work, and it all comes from the team. So inspiring, so passionate about their art. Thank you to the Yume group, for creating this opportunity to learn and grow from this experience.
Hitoshi has made so many demo tracks in a short time, and they all had potential to make it into the final movie. We had some cool ideas that didn’t quite fit the story here, but we might use some of them in a future project together.

Digital vs real life
Throughout this project, there were some synchronicities happened. One day I asked Will if he can draw a sunrise mountain image for our last piece. After a short while, he sent me an image of it. When I saw it, I had to astonish. It looked just like the mountain in my hometown in Japan.
For this project, we both mainly used digital platforms. For the means of communication, we used zoom and social media. We sent tons of data back and forth using Dropbox. Without digital technologies, it would have been really difficult to carry things out to create our pieces. Although we both cherished some sort of real feelings and tried to infuse them to our pieces. In order to do that, we had to connect beyond the digital relationship. I wonder if we were able to do that? Not sure but every time we had those synchronicities, I couldn’t help feeling something.
My brother F – Photo
Will Shintani – Art Image