Yume. Digital Dreams is made possible through the generous support of the Canada Council for the Arts Digital Now Fund and has been created in partnership with the Japanese Canadian Artist Directory and the ACE (Arts Culture and Education) Committee of the National Association of Japanese Canadians.
夢. デジタル・ドリームはカナダ芸術評議会デジタル・ナウ基金の寛大な支援により実現され、日系カナダ人アーティスト人名録と全カナダ日系人協会のACE(芸術文化・教育)委員会の協力のもとでつくられました。

Doodletronics Web + Creative
Doodletronics is a Toronto-based web and creative firm specializing in creating clear and distinct website communication using modern web standards. We provide our clients with personalized and comprehensive service. And we’re not afraid of having fun.